Citizenship Services

Restate Partner, which aims to provide support in the real estate field, prioritizes personalized and privileged services with its organizational structure that works like a team for the company and individuals it collaborates with. It guides individuals who want to continue their lives as Turkish citizens in obtaining residence permits and visas. It is committed to being a reliable supporter for individuals who want to make the right investment in Turkey at the right time and secure their own and their loved ones' lives. Experience the difference with Restate Partner.

In Turkey, the term "foreigner" is defined in three categories in terms of real estate acquisition:
Foreign individuals
Foreign legal entities
Turkish companies with foreign capital

The provisions regarding the acquisition of real estate by foreign individuals or legal entities are specified in Article 35 of the Land Registry Law No. 2644. Article 36 stipulates the provisions regarding companies with foreign capital. The countries whose citizens have the right to acquire real estate in Turkey are determined by the Council of Ministers, and the Council of Ministers may apply special conditions related to real estate acquisition if deemed necessary.